Thoughts about songs with #LifeGoesOn

OH WELL cover OH WELL by Christian French

In this deeply introspective track, the artist is navigating through a tough phase where everything seems to be going wrong. From losing his car and phone to dealing with heartbreak, he's experiencing a series of unfortunate events. The repetitive "Oh well" indicates his resignation to these circumstances, an acceptance that things aren't going his way. Despite the hardships, he acknowledges that life goes on as the sun continues to shine even when he's facing losses. This song is a raw expression of resilience in the face of adversity and maintaining hope despite feeling isolated and uncared for. It's a relatable anthem for anyone who's ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go right. #Resilience #LifeGoesOn #Heartbreak #HopeInTheDarkness

Without You cover Without You by Air Supply

Feeling a bit lost, are we? 🧭 Well, welcome to the heart-wrenching world of Air Supply! This song is a poignant confession of someone who's lost their better half and feels utterly incomplete. The lyrics paint a picture of regret, longing, and an inability to move on after a breakup. It's like they've given away their ability to live and love with their departed lover. So next time you're feeling down in the dumps about your ex, just remember: there's always Air Supply to provide the soundtrack for your sorrowful solo sob-fest. 😢 But hey, chin up! After all, #LoveHurts but #LifeGoesOn.

Keep On Rollin cover Keep On Rollin by King George

In this soulful track, the artist explores themes of independence and resilience. The protagonist is unfazed by the prospect of his partner leaving him, asserting that he has other women in his life who can fulfil different roles. This could be a metaphor for self-reliance and adaptability in the face of adversity. The recurring phrase "one monkey don't stop no show" further underlines this sentiment, suggesting that no single setback (or person) can halt progress or life's journey. The title itself, 'Keep On Rollin', encapsulates the overall message: Life goes on, regardless of individual obstacles or departures. #Resilience #SelfReliance #LifeGoesOn

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