Thoughts about songs with #IdentityStruggle

Someone You'd Admire cover Someone You'd Admire by Fleet Foxes

In this introspective ballad, the protagonist grapples with an internal conflict between his aspirations and his inherent nature. The lyrics convey a poignant struggle for self-improvement and recognition, juxtaposed with a darker desire to surrender to more destructive impulses. This duality is portrayed through the metaphor of internal voices that vie for dominance, reflecting the universal human experience of navigating personal identity and societal expectations. Ultimately, the song leaves us pondering which facet of our own character will prevail when all is said and done, highlighting the ongoing battle between who we are and who we wish to be. #SelfReflection #InternalConflict #IdentityStruggle

Psycho cover Psycho by Breaking Benjamin

Exploring the depths of internal conflict and transformation, "Psycho" by Breaking Benjamin delves into the struggle between one's true self and the persona shaped by external influences. The lyrics poignantly convey a journey through darkness and self-doubt, where the protagonist grapples with feelings of being fake or altered by outside forces. This battle is symbolized through imagery of becoming engulfed in shadows and fading embers, suggesting a loss of essence or purity. Ultimately, the song speaks to the fight for authenticity against the pressures that seek to mold us into something we are not. #BreakingBenjamin #Psycho #IdentityStruggle

All I Want Is A Yacht cover All I Want Is A Yacht by SAINt JHN

This track serves as a bold declaration of the artist's aspirations and accomplishments. SAINt JHN uses vivid imagery to depict his journey from poverty to wealth, highlighting his desire for luxury and success. The repeated reference to a yacht symbolizes his ultimate goal - a life of opulence and freedom. However, he doesn't shy away from acknowledging the darker aspects of his rise, including selfishness and disregard for others' feelings. The lyrics also suggest an underlying struggle with identity and acceptance, as he insists on being himself and not belonging to anyone else. Overall, it's a raw portrayal of ambition, resilience, and the pursuit of personal gratification in the face of adversity. #Ambition #Resilience #LuxuryLife #IdentityStruggle

Way It Goes cover Way It Goes by Hippo Campus

This track encapsulates the struggle of trying to fit into societal norms while maintaining one's individuality. The lyrics paint a picture of young adults attempting to navigate their way through life, grappling with their identities and the expectations placed upon them. The repeated phrase "That's the way it goes" suggests an acceptance of life's unpredictability and the inevitable challenges that come with growing up. The song also addresses nostalgia for simpler times, specifically referencing 90s culture as a symbol of comfort and familiarity amidst the chaos of adulthood. Overall, Hippo Campus delivers a poignant commentary on youth, identity, and the complexities of maturing in a modern world. #GrowingUp #IdentityStruggle #ModernYouth

The In-Between cover The In-Between by In This Moment

This powerful anthem navigates the struggle of self-identity and acceptance. The lyrics depict a person torn between two contrasting views of their identity, as projected by their parents. This internal battle creates a 'holy war' within them, causing feelings of being in-between heaven and hell. The song becomes an empowering declaration, with the singer deciding to embrace both sides - bringing a little hell and a little heaven. It's about accepting one's flaws and virtues, recognizing that they are part of what makes us unique. Ultimately, it's a poignant reminder that we all have the power to define ourselves. #SelfAcceptance #IdentityStruggle #Empowerment #InnerConflict


In this rhythmic exploration of identity, Foux grapples with the duality of his persona - the man and the artist. The recurring question "Lancey or Lancey?" signifies this struggle, as he navigates fame, relationships, and personal demons. His usage of 'red cup' symbolizes indulgence in vices to cope with these pressures 🥀. Moreover, the phrase 'moving at the speed of light' suggests a fast-paced lifestyle that comes with success but also underscores an attempt to escape or outpace his troubles 🚀. This track is not just a showcase of Foux's lyrical prowess but also an introspective narrative on fame's complexities and its impact on personal identity. #IdentityStruggle #FameAndPressure #PersonalDemons

Super Villain cover Super Villain by Stileto, Silent Child, Kendyle Paige

Exploring the dichotomy between good and evil, this song delves into the complex emotions of an individual who feels misunderstood and vilified. The lyrics reflect their struggle with societal expectations and their own identity, expressing a desire to fit into the 'hero' mold but consistently being cast as the 'villain'. The frustration leads them to embrace this villainous persona, deciding to become what people already perceive them as - a 'super villain'. This could be seen as commentary on how societal judgment can push individuals towards negative behavior. The song ultimately serves as a reminder that perception plays a significant role in shaping one's identity. #Misunderstood #IdentityStruggle

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That's all we got for #EmotionalStruggle