Dark Sunglasses by Chrissie Hynde
This song speaks about masculinity at two different levels. One level is social status (working and ruling classes). The other level is psychologic; the phallus, signifier of status, power, and castration, is what men hide behind a double veil: the aura of their masculine power, which, in turn, hides behind dark sunglasses. It's all a bluff, because there is no such thing as a special masculine power. Life sucks, you didn't get what you thought you deserved, and your tears are hidden behind a macho posture and those, in turn, under sunglasses. The title shows that double veil; why not just "Sunglasses"? All sunglasses are dark! Because "Dark Sunglasses" provide "a kind of glamour" to a macho man, but who is truly "wasted" underneath. The singer is a woman; she knows that we men are going to be okay, at the end, as long as we understand and accept the absence of the phallus as women did, because the phallus is, ultimately, a social posture, a simulacrum of social status.