Wailing Stone

Wailing Stone Lyrics

I could have tamed you, I could have shown
That I could depose you from your loud throne
But in the end, I wasn't good enough
I just showed the gems that I ain't got the stuff

Oh-oh, Wailing Stone!
I tried so hard to fly, but I was thrown
Oh-oh, Wailing Stone!
I gotta tell the gems cause they should know

Have a little, have a little, have a little faith in me!
I just wanted to help
You know, I
Have a little, have a little, have a little expertise!
I know it's not much

But if it could come in handy, I'd wanna be there
I think so highly of you, it just isn't fair
That you have so little faith

Writer(s): Aivi Tran, Jo Hellen, Rebecca Sugar, Steven Velema
Copyright(s): Lyrics © BMG Rights Management
Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind

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