til the end

Erin Kaith - til the end Lyrics


til the end Lyrics

When I feel like giving up
You're always there to pick me up
Nothing in this world
Could ever come close to you
Or compare to you at all

You're the one I'll always choose
You're the one I could never lose
Cause I love you
And I'll stay true
You're my lover
And my best friend too

I'm in love with you
And everything that you do
It's not easy loving me but you choose to

I don't see myself with anyone else
And I'm thankful, I'm so grateful
You're my prayers and my soul
You're my baby til' the end of time
You're my whole heart and I fell hard
You don't know how much you mean to me

Writer(s): Erin Navarro
Copyright(s): Lyrics © DistroKid
Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind

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