In this poignant tale of lost love, the protagonist grapples with a sudden and unexpected departure of his beloved. The "Jamestown Ferry" serves as a metaphor for the end of their relationship, symbolizing her journey away from him. Despite her previous assurances of staying, she leaves on a day that's quite contrary to what she had depicted, further emphasizing the unpredictability and abruptness of her exit. Her carrying 'a case of gone' signifies her firm decision to leave everything behind. The singer reminisces about their tender moments together, expressing his deep longing and emotional turmoil caused by her absence. This song is a heartfelt exploration of love, loss, and longing. #LostLove #Heartbreak #Longing #MetaphoricalJourney
Jamestown Ferry
She just caught the Jamestown Ferry
It's not a hot day in January
Like she said it'd be
If she ever left me
A case of gone was all she carried
As she got on the Jamestown Ferry
And she said that gone was all she'd ever be
I didn't think that she'd leave me
After sayin' how much she needs me
But the fact still remains
I'm sittin' here all alone
Missin' the lovin' of my baby
Lord, it's about to drive me crazy
She was the sweetest piece of heaven I've ever known
She just caught the Jamestown Ferry
It's not a hot day in January
Like she said it'd be
If she ever left me
A case of gone was all she carried
As she got on the Jamestown Ferry
And she said that gone was all she'd ever be
As I walk through that valley
Of honkeytonks and bars
I remember how she'd hold me
And comfort me with talk
She didn't cuss with every breath
She had a soothing southern drawl
Made me feel like a man through it all
She just caught the Jamestown Ferry
It's not a hot day in January
Like she said it'd be
If she ever left me
Writer(s): Bobby Borchers, Mack Vickery
Copyright(s): Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
What is the Meaning of Jamestown Ferry
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