Every man has his soft spot and it usually turns out to be a well-kept secret but for Lil Wayne and Charlie Puth, it’s easy to guess what their weakness is. “Instagram models” rapidly gained popularity on the Internet for orchestrating numerous publicity stunts in order get attention and unfortunately both our artists got to experience by themselves the repercussions of getting personal and dating this type of girl who seems to be “Nothing But Trouble”.

After the “thirst trap” is set and a famous person gets caught up in her DMs, this girl knows exactly what to say and how to act in order to engage in a conversation aiming to take things further. The next step usually relates to a public appearance with a famous person and things get pretty obvious from that point. The female tries to get Social Media notoriety and financial revenues while treating her relationship like a quick promotional scheme.

After things cool down and the public is no longer interested in this relationship, the model goes back to her old ways looking for another icon to fall for her. Even if Wayne is not new to the entertainment industry, the temptation is big and he constantly tells himself not to fall for this type of scheme but from time to time he makes an exception hoping to find something different. Unfortunately, time proves him wrong and he usually ends up sorrow and regretting his choice.

For an artist, this type of experience serves as inspiration and recovery usually leads to a more powerful comeback. Charlie and Lil Wayne managed to do the same and their final result is “Nothing but trouble”, a song that will debut on the “808” soundtrack.